Women: Her Glory, Her Shame and Her God, Vol. 2 of 2 Vols.

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Woman, Her Glory, Her Shame, and Her God, Vol. 2 of 2 Vols., by SALADIN. Saladin, the Pin Name of W. Stewart Ross, minces no words in his just condemn of Christianity, and none in his praise of Women. Saladin begins this Work with an observation of gods book blaming all the world's troubles on women. GOD'S book, in nearly every place where it condescends to notice women, insults them; and yet women are almost the only devotees in Christendom now that stand ‘up for God.' The churches in this country, and still more emphatically so on the Continent, are attended by a sprinkling of shallow-pated men, the large majority of the congregation being women and children. When, after his defeat at Solway Moss, James V. of Scotland heard of the birth of a daughter (afterwards the hapless Mary, Queen of Scats), he remarked, mournfully, (‘It came with a girl, and it will go with a girl,” the “it” being the crown of the House of Stewart. The evil genius of Christianity may truthfully echo the ejaculation of King James. This Christian scheme of salivation, or rather damnation, came with a girl, and it bids fair to end with a girl. The girl Eve, the wife of Adam, ate an apple, and thereby rendered the girl Mary necessary and Christ ‘the second Adam.” As Diderot remarked, “God evidently thinks a great deal more of his apples than of his children.”
Emmett F. Fields

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