Truth Seeker Tracts, Vol. 1 of 2 Vols.

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Truth Seeker Tracts, Vol. 1 of 2 available vols. Edited by D. M. Bennett. We are reproducing volume one and volume three of this very rare four volume set of collected Freethought Pamphlets from the 1800s. Bank of Wisdom usually does not reproduce parts of sets of books, but these books are so very rare and hard to fine, that we do not expect to ever find the two missing volumes. But each volume is complete in itself, as the set is made up of many Freethought pamphlets that are as current today as when they were first published and distributed. There is no evolution in religion, the same old myths are preached today that was preached in the Eighteenth Century, and before. So, if you like, you could print out these flyers and distribute them today, and no one could tell that they were almost a hundred and fifty years old.
Emmett F. Fields

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  • Model: tst1
  • Author: Bennett, D. M.

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