The World's Sages, Thinker and Reformers

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The World's Sages, Thinkers, and Reformers, Being Biographical Sketches of Leading Philosophers, Teachers, Skeptics, Innovators, Founders of New Schools of Thought, Eminent Scientists, etc., by D. M. Bennett. Another important book from the Founder and Editor of The Truth Seeker magazine. These are condensed sketches takes from Biographical Dictionaries and other sources and presented in a number of small and readable sketches where you get the gist of the life of many thinking people that we all should know about if we want o claim to be educated. From the Preface we get a glimps of the idea behind this research. "In many instances the sketches have necessarily been abbreviated - often more than would have been wished had space been abundant - but the object has at all times been to retain the most essential facts. The works that have been made tributary are the British and American Cyclopedias, Chalmer’s “Biographical Dictionary,” Thomas’ “Biographical Dictionary,” “Heroes and Martyrs of Freethought,” “Half Hours with Freethinkers,” “Men of the Time,” Lewes’ “ Biographical History of Philosophy, ” “ Eminent Women of the Age,” various individual biographies, etc." And there you have it.
Emmett F. Fields

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  • Model: s-t&ref
  • Author: Bennett, D. M.

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