The Works of Voltaire, Vol. 3 of 42 vols + INDEX volume 43

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The Works of Voltaire, Vol. 3 of 42 vols + INDEX volume 43. This is the complete Works of the indefinable Voltaire, his writings changed the world he lived in, he challenged the church and the state, priest and king. He was shrewd and devious, cautious and bold, his words enraged the powerful and his actions always mild and apologetic – he had been schooled by the Jesuits. Vols. 1, INTRODUCTORY AND BIOGRAPHICAL; Vols. 2 to 4, ROMANCES and SHORT STORIES; Vols. 5 to 14, PHILOSOPHICAL DICTIONARY; Vols. 15 to 19, DRAMATIC WORKS; Vols. 20 to 21, HISTORY OF CHARLES XII; Vols. 22 to 23, AGE OF LOUIS XIV; Vols 24 to 30, ANCIENT AND MODERN HISTORY; Vols. 31 to 32, ANNALS OF THE EMPIRE; Vol. 33, HISTORY OF THE WAR OF 1741; Vols. 34 to 35, RUSSIA UNDER PETER THE GREAT; Vol. 36, THE LISBON EARTHQUAKE AND OTHER POEMS; Vol. 37, ESSAYS ON LITERATURE, PHILOSOPHY, ART, HISTORY; Vol. 38, LETTERS AND ISCELLANIES; Vol. 39, STUDIES IN ENGLISH AND AMERICAN SUBJECTS; Vols. 40 to 41, THE MAID OF ORLEANS; Vol. 42, A BlOGRAPHlCAL CRITIQUE OF VOLTAIRE.
Emmett F. Fields

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  • Model: Volt3
  • Author: Voltaire

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