The True Story of the Roman Catholic Church, Vols. 1 and 2 of 12

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The True Story of the Roman Catholic Church, Vols. 1 and 2 of 12 Vols., by Joseph McCabe. The History of the Roman Catholic Church varies greatly according to the school that is teaching it, and the religion (or non-religion) of the Authors of the books that tell the History. The Author of this set of Catholic Church History was an Englishman, and a former priest in the Roman Catholic Church, he took a year sabbatical from his duties to research original records in Europe, to better defend his Holy church in debates against its Protestant and secular enemies. As McCabe could read several languages he was able to read original records of Civil and Church trials, persecutions, Auto De Fees, Papal Bulls, and such. He soon found that his in-depth research was not going as he expected, he writes: "It was not long before I found that the hammer blows was falling on my head …" For him this research was the turning point in his life, and he spent the rest of his life researching, lecturing and writing the History of the Roman Catholic Church. His style was to tell the truth as he found it, and the truth about such a powerful organization meant he always had trouble finding publishers willing to publish his books for fear of losing business. And those books he did get published were often not welcome in book stores where they were to be sold. But Mr. McCabe became known to an American Publisher, Mr. Haldeman-Julius, a publisher not afraid to publish out spoken books. And it was the union of these two literary giants that allowed the true story of the Roman Catholic Church to be written. This present set of 12 volumes are only a part of the many books of Mr. McCabe that has been published by the Haldeman-Julius Publishing Company. If you dare to know The True History of the Roman Catholic Church, you will need to read this daring set of unvarnished History.
Emmett F. Fields

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  • Model: tru1-2
  • Author: McCabe, Joseph

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