The History of Women Suffrage, Vol. 6 of 6 Vols.

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The History of Women Suffrage, Vol. 6 of 6 Vols., by ELIZABETH CADY STANTON,
SUSAN B. ANTHONY, AND MATILDA JOSLYN GAGE. These magnificent volumes are the foundation of Woman Studies in America, it is a must for every University, and for every individual woman who is interested in the History of her sex, and the courageous struggle of the Woman Movement to raise woman to her rightful place in society. Woman should never have been placed in a position subservient to men, the struggle for the vote and equality should never have been necessary, Woman is in every way the equal of man, and in many respects, his superior. To understand how woman was placed in the position she was, one needs only read the Christian Bible and its view of women. Almost All the women associated with the National Woman Suffrage movement were Freethinkers, and ELIZABETH CADY STANTON was an important member of the Committee to revise the Christian Bible and remove the sexist language that degraded women. The product of the Revision Committee was published, and is known as 'The Woman's Bible,' original copies are extremely hard to find. Bank of Wisdom will gladly reproduce an original Woman's Bible if we ever come in position of a copy. While most of the women were Freethinkers, Ms. MATILDA JOSLYN GAGE was an outspoken Atheist, and that is why this important driving force in the early Woman's Movement has been removed from history.
Emmett F. Fields

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  • Author: Stanton, Elizabeth

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