The Bankruptcy of Christian Supernaturalism, Vol. 5 of 10 Vols.

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THE BANKRUPTCY OF CHRISTIAN SUPERNATURALISM, Vol. 5 of 10 Vols., by WILLIAM MONTGOMERY BROWN. Better known as "The Bad Bishop William Montgomery Brown" to the Christian world of his day. Bishop Brown embraced not only Freethought but also Communism and made no secret of his new found beliefs. We may not agree with all his opinions but we must admire him as a brave and honest man. As he writes in the Introduction: "It is the story of a man to whom, late in life came the most tragic of discoveries: that he could not longer accept the traditional interpretation of the creed he had preached." The early books says that it is a set of six volumes, but it grew to a ten volume set by the time it was done. We will offer the entire set plus other books by Bishop Brown for children and about his Trial for Heresy, etc.
Emmett F. Fields

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  • Model: Brown5
  • Author: Brown, William Montgomery

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