The Annual Register

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The Annual Register, or a View of the History of History, Politics, and Literature, for the Year 1773. This book is an excellent window to look into the world of Great Briton just three years before the American Revolution, and already those pesky Colonists were causing trouble about taxes and the like. The book assures us it was a rather quiet year with nothing of importance taking place, then goes on to describe the Revolution in India, the Turkish - Russian War, and many other such "Unimportant" goings on. This book has the old type, where the s looks very much like an f, but it is not long before we find we can read it pretty well, It is kind of like driving on the left side of the road after driving on the right all your life -- except the consequence of a mistake does not produce as much wreckage.
Emmett F. Fields

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  • Model: 1773

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