Review of the Evidences of Christianity

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REVIEW OF THE EVIDENCES OF CHRISTIANITY IN A SERIES OF LECTURES, , DELIVERED IN BROADWAY HALL, NEW YORK, AUGUST, 1829. by ABNER KNEELAND. This is a true Classic of Freethought, and hard to find. Abner Kneeland was the last person who actually went to prison for Blasphemy, all later persecutions and imprisonment was done under guise of other, so called, crimes - usually publishing or selling obscenity. This was the case in the persecution of D. M. Bennett, Founder and Editor of the famous Freethougt magazine, The Truth Seeker; and Charles Chilton Moore, Founder and Editor of The Blue Grass Blade. This later form of persecution accomplishes the purpose of punishment for questioning and rejecting the superstitions of the Christian Bible, and, at the same time, associating the Freethinker with the unsavory reputation of one who believes in the American idea of Freedom of he press to the point that he - or she - will read, publish, or sell, that which goes against the perverted view of sexual morality generally preached - and enforced by law - by Christianity. All this is another way of saying, this is a great Classic of Freethought and should be in every Thinking person's library. Emmett F. Fields

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  • Model: EvidChr
  • Author: Kneeland, Abner

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