Nineteenth Century American Women of Freethought, Vol. 2 of 2.

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Nineteenth Century American Women of Freethought, Vol. 2 or 2 Vols., by Carole Gray. A Biography of Carol Gray needs to be written, she is the most outstanding living woman of Freethought I know of. This two volume Manuscript was offered to a book publisher, and was accepted - IF Ms. Gray would remove the lesser women and keep the better known ones, so the Work could be published in one volume. To this demand Carol said a resounding NO!, she told the published, "If I remove those women they will be forgotten and lost to History." And so Carol Gray is not a famous Author, she has never had a book published to my knowledge. So Bank of Wisdom is proud to offer this complete, unaltered and uncondensed History of these brave women that America, and the world, needs to know about.
Emmett F. Fields

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  • Model: 2.pdf
  • Author: Gray, Carole

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