Narrative and Critical History of America, Vol. 2 of 8 Vols.

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NARRATIVE AND CRITICAL HISTORY OF AMERICA, Vol. 2 of 8 Vols., EDITED By JUSTIN WINSOR, LIBRARIAN OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY, CORRESPONDING SECRETARY MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. This is one of the most respected and revealing Histories of the Americas, the set includes histories of the high native civilizations that flourished before the barbaric European Invasion so mercilessly destroyed the lives and works of, in many respects, civilizations much higher than that of the invaders. For the History of the pre-invasion of America I recommend this magnificent set as a foundation Work, even to this very day. This set, published in 1889, was created before unscrupulous modern writers gained the power to re-write History to promote powerful modern institutions -- political, religious, economic, social and others. Every Scholar, professor, and student of the History of the Americas should have this basic and extensive History always near for ready reference.
Emmett F. Fields

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  • Author: Winsor, Justin

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