Memoirs of Celebrated Women, Vol. 2 of 2 Vols.

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MEMOIRS OF CELEBRATED WOMEN OF ALL COUNTRIES, Vol. 2 of 2 Vols., by Madame Junot. This is an interesting book of eleven Biographies of Famous women; women who have distinguished themselves in some way and became known in History. Such Biographies of the famous is always interesting, we follow their lives, the decisions they made that lead them to fame, and sometime fortune, whereas others of their time and class; their sisters and brothers, school companions, and the like, who had exactly the same start and opportunities, remain obscure and unknown to History. Biographies are excellent schools for those who might want to climb out of the ordinary and become outstanding and memorable in their chosen field. And equally useful for those who want to avoid the limelight and live their lives in peace and obscurity. Here are the women you will find in volume one: MARIA LETIZIA RAMOLINI BONAPARTE; ANNA ZINGHA, QUEEN OF MATAMBA; LADY JANE GRAY; DONA CATALINA DE ERAUSO; BEATRICE CENCI; CATHERINE THE FIRST, QUEEN OF RUSSIA; ANN ROLEYN; BARONESS DE STAEL HOLSTEIN; CHARLOTTE CORDAY; JOSEPHINE BONAPARTE; MARY THE CATHOLIC, QUEEN OF ENQLAND. And in volume 2 we have five more: MARINA MNISZECH; CHRISTINA, QUEEN OF SWEDEN; LADY MARY WORTLEY MONTAGU; MARIE ANTOINETTE; MARY OF MEDICIS.
Emmett F. Fields

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  • Model: Junot2
  • Author: Junot, Madame

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