J. S. Mill, Dissertations and Discussions, Vol. 5 of 5 Vols.

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Discussions: Political, Philosophical, and Historical, Vol. 5 of 5 Vols., by John Stuart Mill. The penetrating mind of Mr. Mill has probed and considered problems in such a way that his writings have retained their value across the many years since they were first published. This set consists of a good many of Mr. Mill's shorter Articles that appeared in the Periodicals of his time, and were chosen from a larger collection of his Works as most outstanding. As the Publisher states, these are the best of the many available …. "The publisher of the present volumes has great pleasure in now offering to American readers a reprint of Mr. Mill's own collection of his miscellaneous productions. Although the papers of which it consists originally appeared in Reviews and Magazines, they are not dependent for their interest on the time of their first appearance. The manner in which the writer handles his subject, and the nature of the subject itself, are such as to give to each of these essays both am immediate and a permanent interest. They contain synopsis of his opinions on the highest subjects of human thought; and the catholic spirit and intellectual fidelity, with which the lofty themes and great names that pass in review are examined, cannot fail to recommend them to every competent reader. For those who are forminuare with Mr. Mill's writings no more needs to be said than that these volumes are a great addition to his better known larger Works.
Emmett F. Fields

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  • Model: MillD&D5
  • Author: Mill, John Stuart

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