Henry of Navarre and the Religious Wars

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Henry of Navarre and the Religious Wars, by Edward T. Blair.
This is a grand History of the Religious wars that raged throughout the Renaissance period, and covers the part that Henry played, and the actions and events of his time - the mid to late 1500s. This History covers The horrors of the Saint Bartholomew massacre, that is so mysteriously missing from, or played down in, our modern history books, and many other events that show the bloody History of Christianity as Christian sect waged wars of extermination against Christian sect, until the rivers of Europe ran red with the blood of those slaughtered, men, women, children and infants of every age and station in life. It is necessary for believers today to be fully aware of the horrible history of religion for they must accept the history when they embrace the faith.
Emmett F. Fields

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  • Model: navarre
  • Author: Blair, Edward T.

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