Haldeman-Julius Weekly, Number 1737, Mar. 16, 1929.

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Haldeman-Julius Weekly, Number 1727, Mar. 16, 1929, Edited by E. Haldeman-Julius. The Haldeman-Julius Weekly is a full size newspaper, and each issue has four pages. This was a popular Socialist - Atheist newspaper that will be of great interest to Americans today, especially as the world Economic Depression deepens and worsens. One wonders where American would be today if we had followed the alternate path of Socialism, and the Politics of the Working people. This Newspaper later became The American Freeman, and Bank of Wisdom will republished over a hundred and fifty of these papers. These papers are best read at a setting of 200 to 400 % enlargement on your computer.
Emmett F. Fields ---- NOTE: There is a free Menu that is linked to all Haldeman-Julius Weekly, and American Freeman newspapers and every papers is listed by date and lead article. Place this Menu in a folder with the newspapers you have bought and clicking on a newspaper in the Menu and it will open the chosen newspaper. The name of this Menu is: American Freedom and H-J Weekly Complete Linked Menu - go to the FREE category and download this Menu now to see the extent of this amazing collection.

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  • Model: HJ1737.pdf
  • Author: Haldeman-Julius, Emanuel

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