God and His Book

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GOD AND HIS BOOK, THE BIBLE: WHERE DID WE GET IT, AND WHAT IS IT? By SALADIN. Saladin is the pin name of W. Stewart Ross, who also writes under his real name, either name he is always penetrating in his writings. This book examines the Christian Bible as every thinking person should examine it before they accept it, and that is true for all other books that claim special privilege or blind acceptance. This book questions every aspect of this book, actually books, called the Christian Bible, and his clear logic leaves no doubt that it is not a book to be held in special respect, for it is the writings of primitive, ignorant, and superstitious men. It is a book that has obsessed the mind of many and made them into groveling and frightened followers of unworthy men called priests. Let us all read and elevate ourselves out of the superstitious non-sense and into the great and grand world of reality that we live in.
Emmett F. Fields

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  • Model: GodHisB
  • Author: Saladin

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