Famous Leaders Among Women.

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FAMOUS LEADERS AMONG WOMEN by Sarah Knowles Bolton. Bank of Wisdom has done a number of books about Women, including the very important six volume set 'The History of Woman Suffrage' to encourage women to assert themselves in political, economic, the literary world, and in every part of American and world business; encourage them to not just work to get some man elected who might do the necessary things he promises to do, but to work for your self to be sure the work will be done. This book and others tell the stories of Women who accomplished their goals, climbed to success, and made their names known to history in a time when women were entirely suppressed and unheeded, often laughed at if they dared to suggest a better idea. If this book encourages one woman to make a success of herself, the work of preserving it and getting it to the public will be well repaid.
Emmett F. Fields

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  • Model: Lead
  • Author: Bolton, Sarah Knowles

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