Darwin And After Darwin, Vol. 2.

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Darwin And After Darwin, Vol. 2 of 3 Vols., by George John Romanes. In the Preface Prof. Romanes tells how this three volume set will be presented; "I have thought it desirable to publish the whole in the form of three separate works. Of these the first - or that which deals with the purely historical side of biological science-may be allowed to stand over for an indefinite time. The second is the one which is now brought out: and which,. as its sub-title signifies, is devoted to the general theory of organic evolution as this was left by the stupendous labours of Darwin. As soon as the translations shall have been completed, the third portion will follow (probably in the Autumn season), under the sub-title, “ Post-Darwinian Questions.” " Considering that the facts of Darwin and his great discovery has been so mangled and misunderstood by many modern writers, who wish more to destroy them than to present an honest review of their significance, it may be well to review this subject before the "New History" of the Twentieth Century became accepted as if it were true.
Emmett F. Fields

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  • Model: dafterd2
  • Author: Romanes, George John

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