Christian Martyrs

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CHRISSTIAIN MARTYRS: CONTAININO AN ACCOUNT OF TIIE LIFE OF CHRIST AND HIS APOSTLES, CHRISTIAN PERSECUTIONS, AN AUTHENTIC ACCOUNT OF THE EXEMPLARY LIFE, THE SUFFERINGS AND TRIUMPHANT DEATH OF OUR GLORIOUS REDEEMER; ALSO, HISTORY OF THE MARTYRDOM AND PERSECUTIONS OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH, IN ALL COUNTRIES AND ALL AGES, FROM THE EARLIEST PERIOD DOWN TO THE PRESENT TIME. This is a Christian book, never let it be said that Atheists do not republish books of Christian History, here we have one. This book contains myth and fact, it contains the Jesus myth - presented as if fact. But it mostly contains FACTS concerning the manifestations of Christian Love toward other Christians. This is a History of Christians torturing and murdering Christians, and others, as only the religiously insane could possibly do. Here we have the most horrible tortures, and agonizing deaths, that the world has ever seen; all in the name of their imaginary god!!
Emmett F. Fields

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