Autobiography of Andrew Dixon White, Vol. 2

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The Autobiography of Andrew Dixon White, Vol. 2 of 2 vols. Andrew Dixon White was a leading scholar of his time, and was the actual Founder of Cornell University, he planed the University and saw to its completion in every step and detail, while Ezra Cornell provided the money to actually build the University and make it come to life. One of Prof. White's primary concerns was to keep religion out of Cornell University, so that real learning could be accomplished without superstitious interference. This Autobiography recalls the great struggle he had, and the slander and ridicule he endured, because of the need to keep the University free of religious influence. His struggle to keep his University entirely Secular lead him to research the influence of religion against learning throughout history. This study finally resulted in the publication of his magnificent Work: A HISTORY OF THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE WITH THEOLOGY IN CHRISTENDOM, in two volumes. In my own early struggle to raise myself from a lifelong indoctrination into deep religious belief, I came upon Prof. White's 'WARFARE' and it was a great help in freeing me from the awful mental chains such indoctrination had put upon me. I recommend this set, and White's 'WARFARE,' to anyone in need of freeing him, or her, self from religious indoctrination.
Emmett F. Fields

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  • Model: white2
  • Author: White, Andrew Dickson

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