Argument In Defense of the Communists

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Argument In Defense of the Communists, by Clarence Darrow. Darrow was the attorney for the underdog, he fought for labor and Unions; he fought for Equal Rights for all; he defended the rights of Communists to be Communists in America. His idea of a Free Nation is the one I have adopted as the only truly American ideal, if we are ever to become a truly free Nation. This booklet was published in 1920, when there were Americans that thought Communism was the best hope for a better America - and there are Americans today who think Communism is the best hope for a better America; I am not one of them. A number of members of the Communist Labor Party were charged with conspiracy to advocate the overthrow of the Government by force, and the case of the State rested upon nothing more than their membership in this Communist Labor party. How wonderful it was that a State could pass a law that made it a crime to be a member of a Labor party, and then prosecute every member of that party for being a member of that party. Clarence Darrow was one of the greatest Americans I have ever read about; I think you will agree.
Emmett F. Fields

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  • Model: darcomm
  • Author: Darrow, Clarence

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