An Analysis of Religious Belief, Vol. 2 of 2 Vols.

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AN ANALYSIS OF RELIGIOUS BELIEF, Vol. 2 of 2 Vols., by VISCOUNT AMBERLEY. This set was published in 1877, and was the Work of the Father of the famous Philosopher Bertrand Russell. Bertrand was a young child when his father died, and his father, Viscount Amberley, had instructions in his will that young Bertrand was to be schooled under the management of a trusted friend who was a Freethinker, and would have seen to it that Bertrand would get a secular education. BUT the Russell family, who was very religious, went to Court and had that clause of the Will set aside, and Bertrand was educated in a very religious way. I collage Bertrand Russell saw the falseness of his religious education and became the famous Philosopher and Atheist that he was. But, back to this set of books that gives a very precise examination of religious belief, and why it is not reasonable to believe all the priests and preachers tells us. The arguments are well researched and well presented, a very recommended set for the thinker's Library.
Emmett F. Fields

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  • Model: Amberle2
  • Author: Amberly, Viscount

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