Allen's Captivity

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ALLEN’S CAPTIVITY, COLONEL ETHAN ALLEN, CONTANING HIS VOYAGES; TRAVELS, &c., INTEPSPERSED WITH POLITICAL OBSERVATIONS, WRITTEN BY HIMSELF. This is Ethan Allen, Hero of the American Revolution, a leader of the Green Mountain Boys, and Author of the First Freethought book published in America - Reason the Only Oracle of Man. The Preface describes Col. Allen thusly: "ETHAN ALLEN, the author and subject of the following narrative, was certainly one of the most noted and notable men of his time. Bold, ardent and unyielding, he possessed an unusual degree of vigor both of body and mind, and an unlimited confidence in his own abilities." This book gives a bit of American History and the horrible treatment Allen received as a Prisoner of War in the hands of the British. Emmett F. Fields

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  • Model: AlCap
  • Author: Allen, Ethan

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